exercise and pain

Exercise, Pain, and Weight Gain

You wake up to sunshine and a beautiful day. You’re motivated to take a long walk. You dress, eat a light breakfast, and put on your shoes. Wow, it feels good to be moving and enjoying the outdoors. Less than a half-mile into your walk, your lower back starts to twinge. You keep going; it will work itself out. Half a block later, the discomfort has moved up your back and down one leg. A few more steps and one knee is aching. You turn around hoping to make it home. How discouraging!

Importance of Active Lifestyle

We hear over and over again how important it is to have an active lifestyle, to keep moving, that sitting is the new smoking, and so forth. You decide yes, I’m going to do this, and then your body says, “No, no, no!” Pain. It’s a major deterrent to being active. And the smartest course of action may not be to push through the pain, especially if it worsens with activity. This is the vicious circle many of you experience. You’re in pain, you can’t work out, you gain weight, which makes the pain worse and you’re told you need to lose the weight…

If pain is holding you back from the lifestyle and activities you’re ready to pursue, it may be time to consider chiropractic or get back in for treatments if you have taken a break. If you have had a relapse or re-injured yourself increase your frequency as a way to reduce or eliminate the pain. A chiropractor works from the inside out, adjusting and aligning the spine to get the nervous system back in sync, then addresses the areas that hurt. Chiropractic isn’t a quick fix.

How Chiropractic Treatment Helps

Getting the body functioning correctly takes time, often with multiple visits each week then gradually working to a maintenance schedule of one or two times per month. Why so many visits? Because we don’t stop moving or putting repetitive stress on our bodies even if we are taking it easy. Something as simple as putting your socks on in the morning can cause the spine to move the wrong way and set off a chain reaction of pain, and worst-case scenario, herniated discs. Read more here to discover why this could have happened to you.

Adjustments will help get you moving again. Once the pain is reduced enough to start exercising, go slow. Even if you used to walk five miles a day before the pain, start with shorter walks and gradually increase the distance. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it’s had enough.

If pain is stopping you from exercising, don’t just accept it. Talk to your chiropractor about treatment options and keep moving!

This is what you need to do now. Click here and get our free report called “The 10 Keys to Increase Energy and Weight Loss.” If you are ready to take action and seek the help of a chiropractor, give us a call and make your new patient appointment. I look forward to seeing you and creating immense value for you. 

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