Eliminate Shoulder Pain Fast
Dr. Clayton Roach: Are you starting to get frustrated from bad shoulders and bad posture that doesn’t go away? Listen, we all develop this from repetitive sitting where our shoulders are internally rotated, and eventually, our head starts to go forward, and we develop shoulder pain. Here’s how to fix that in a hurry. Grab a broomstick. Put your arm and elbow forearm on the inside of the broomstick. Wrap around and grab the broomstick. With your free hand, grab the bottom part of the broomstick and bring your whole arm into external rotation. I can already feel this beautiful stretch. You’re going to keep that there for 10 seconds. Do it three times, and each time try to go a little bit further, doing it three times ten. Second. Hold on. Both sides. Do this consistently once daily and watch your posture change over time and your shoulder pain disappear. Take care.