Learn the Best Posture Correction Exercises
Have you ever seen one of those really rounded postures where your mid-back is rounded, your shoulders are rounded and your head is hunched?
Tons of them. Right. Mhm. We see them walking at the malls. We see them everywhere and it’s really not good long term. The joints are going to degenerate faster. People with neck pain, back pain, headaches are all symptoms of this dreaded posture that we see more and more and even with young kids.
Absolutely. And I’m Doctor Ben Boudreau.
And I’m Doctor Clayton Roach. Another episode of Double Doc Talk here where we show you how this five exercise routine, done three times a week for 12 weeks, has been documented to create much change in this posture so you can start to really feel like you’re tall again.
Let’s get right into it. First exercise, you’re going to slouch forward, and you’re going to open up by bringing your back backwards and opening up your chest, creating that beautiful extension, and stretch across the pecs and also contracting your shoulder blades together. So here’s a second exercise. In this five exercise routine you’re going to tuck your chin slouch forward. You’re going to open up your chest. But throughout the opening of the chest you’re going to keep your head tucked in with your chin downwards. You’re going to repeat that. Slouch. Bring your chest up, but keep your chin tucked in. That’s exercise number two.
Here’s a third exercise. You’re going to need the foam roller here. You can buy those pretty much anywhere. You’re going to put the foam roller lengthwise. Next you’re going to lay down on that foam roller with your knees up. And what you’re going to do is you’re going to open up your arms and you’re going to bring the arms overhead all the way and then coming back down. That is exercise number three. Here’s exercise number four. Same foam roller. Instead of laying it longitudinally like this, you’re going to lay it sideways. You want the foam roller to hit at the mid back in between the shoulder blades. So Dr Boudreau is going to lay back. You’re going to lace interlace the hands behind the head. Lay back and you’re going to bring the shoulders back. Bring them back in and then go back out. And you should feel a nice tension in between the shoulder blades when you extend over that foam roll. It’s great exercise.
Exercise number four. So here’s the fifth and the last exercise. In this five exercise routine you’re going to lay face down. It can be on a bed. It can be on an exercise ball. Doesn’t really matter. You’re going to bend down. You’re going to put your arms up by the side. You’re going to extend up in what we call a superman. The arms are going to come out to the side, go back to the front, back to the side and down. You’re going to come back up. The whole goal here is to create extension right here where most people are rounded. And here’s the last exercise. So the study that we looked at for this routine didn’t recommend repetitions. But we’re going to recommend.
10 to 15 repetitions three times a week for 12 weeks. And you should notice a great change in your posture. That means improvements in that rounded neck, rounded shoulder and hunched mid-back.
So every exercise 10 to 15 repetitions. Let us know how it goes and we’ll see you in the next video.