What Are Your Sciatica Treatment Options?
Have we got a study for you! Most of us know what sciatica is but what is the most effective way to treat it? Do you go to a chiropractor, do massage, get acupuncture, or take medication? None of the solutions are quick fixes for your pain. So the most effective and safest treatment should be the first choice.
Sciatica Symptoms
First, sciatica is not a condition. It is a symptom of when the nervous system is compromised. Usually by a pinched nerve, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or spondylolisthesis. Pain can go down the front, back, side of the leg, or as far down as the feet. Treatments will address the leg pain only. They don’t realize that the cause is coming from pressure on a nerve in the low back. The only way to fix that problem is to take the pressure off of that nerve. The safest, most non-evasive way to do this is through a chiropractic adjustment.
The National Spine Centre in Alberta, Canada published a study in October of 2010 in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. There were 40 study participants who had chronic sciatica pain and had not responded to pain medications, physical therapy, massage therapy, or acupuncture. They all ended up on the list for spinal surgery.
Sciatica Study
Firstly, the study split the group into two categories, those who will get the surgery and those who will get regular chiropractic adjustments. If the participants were unhappy with the results they could opt for the other treatment.
Moreover, both groups noticed improvements!! “A full 60% of the study participants benefited from chiropractic spinal manipulation to the SAME degree as if they underwent surgery. And, after 1 year there was no difference in outcome success based on the treatment method. That means that a full 60% of people referred for surgery by their primary care physicians and accepted as surgical candidates by the neurosurgeon could actually get similar results with chiropractic.”
That is amazing!! Think of the costs to health care that could be prevented if people were recommended chiropractic care before surgery. Surgery should always be the last option for the patient and the doctor.
In conclusion, this shows how important it is to educate yourself on the treatment options available to you and if you have had results with chiropractic care before to share that experience and education with those around you.
This is what you need to do now. Click here and get our free report called “The 10 Keys to Increase Energy and Weight Loss.” If you are ready to take action and seek the help of a chiropractor, give us a call and make your new patient appointment. I look forward to seeing you and creating immense value for you.