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Shoulder Mobility Exercise -Part 1

Dr. Clayton Roach: We will start with external rotation with 90 degrees of abduction. So I’m just going to sit over here. We’re going to use a tubing that you’ve got to choose this tubing so that you’re able to go through these repetitions. We’re going to do ten, three times. So if you have difficulty going through those exercises, the exercise band is probably too much for you. So we’re just going to unroll it, we’re going to hold it, and then you’re going to sit up nice and tall holding it down. And what we’re doing is bringing the arm through external rotation. And it’s an excellent controlled movement. And we’re doing this ten times, three times. So ten repetitions, three sets.

Dr. Ben Boudreau: Exactly. And notice how his arm is lifted at the shoulder, 90 degrees, and he’s only rotating 90 degrees. He’s not going beyond that plane. Right? He’s not. And there’s not coming back.

Dr. Clayton Roach: Keep the elbow and shoulder; everything is stable, and only the forearm moves.

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