take these vitamins for joint health

Best Vitamins and Supplements For Joint Health

These are the five best vitamins and supplements for joint health. Number one vitamin D, vitamin D is the vitamin and antioxidant studied for its effects on arthritis and joint health. In addition, your body uses vitamin D to maintain strong bones and protect you from injuries. You can easily get it from the sun, milk or supplements. Number two, vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for developing cartilage structure and sending calcium to your bones.

Both of them are vital for you to have healthy joints. You can get vitamin K easily from leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and. Fun fact most vitamin D supplements also include vitamin K. Number three, glucosamine. Glucosamine is found naturally in your body’s cartilage. It is the connective tissue that keeps your joints fluid and that cushions your bones. There are two main types of glucosamine in supplement form glucosamine. Hydrochloride and glucosamine sulfate.

Number four, Omega three fatty acids. Omega threes are polyunsaturated fatty acids found in foods like fish, shellfish, walnuts, flax seeds, or in fish oil pills. The DHA and EPA forms of omega threes contain anti-inflammatory properties, which will be helpful for concerns like joint inflammation. Number five, curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, a common spice for cooking all around the world. Taking curcumin can help address inflammation and symptoms associated with osteoarthritis.

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