Try This Effective QL Stretches To Eliminate QL Muscle Pain
Here we go for effective stretches for the QL muscle. Quadratus lumborum. This is the muscle that’s on the side right here. It attaches to the iliac crest right here and goes all the way underneath that rib cage, creating sometimes irritating dull pain on the side of the spine in your flank. So for any of you who’ve ever eaten flank steak, you’ve eaten the quadratus lumborum muscle. So for easy stretches for you that are going to stretch that QL muscle, now you can have a QL pain on both sides, or you can have it just on one side. It depends what you do during the day and how much you use each side.
So here we’re going to go with the first stretch for the QL muscle the quadratus lumborum muscle. Here we go. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to have something to lean on. This could be a counter. It could be a chair. Next you’re going to take the leg that’s closest to that counter or thing you’re holding on to. And you’re going to cross the leg over. Next take your hand, reach down as you turn and stretch. You’re going to feel this stretch right here, and you’re going to hold it for 30 to 45 seconds. Make sure you breathe. And every time you breathe, try to go a little further. You are going to feel this stretch all the way here.
I’m already loving it, right here. Next you’re going to do it on the other side. Leg that’s closest to the chair goes over. Hand goes down. And you’re stretching now, you’re going to feel all the way here on the right QL again. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds. Every time you breathe, try to go further. That is your first variation of the QL stretch. The second stretch for your big flank muscle called the quadratus lumborum. Your QL muscle can be in this seated position, so no excuses that you cannot find a place to do this stretch. I’m going to give you many different variations. This one is sitting. You’re going to sit up nice and tall, knees about shoulder width apart. You’re going to turn your body. You can put your hands together and you’re going to go down towards that side. You’re going to feel a stretch. And I’m already feeling it right here. As soon as I start to go down. Now, you can put a little bit of, uh, weight in your hand. 5 pounds, 10 pounds to help yourself go down. One thing that I’m looking for here is for the hip or the tushy, the glute not to come off the chair. So keep your sitz bone on the chair. Sit up nice and tall. Turn towards the side and stretch, feeling it over here again.
Hold for 30 to 45 seconds. Next turn this way. Hands together or with a weight 5 to 10 pounds. And really stretch. Now you’re actually going to feel this in a shell, but you’re also going to feel this in your rhomboid, the muscle right along the shoulder blade. So you’re stretching basically that whole sling of muscle all the way up. That’s a beautiful stretch. And once you’re there, you can move a little bit in order to feel that stretch where your body intuitively needs it. You can tell if I go here, I lose it. If I go here, I’m really stretching it. It really feels good. So do what your body is telling you to do. This is the second variation for the QL muscle stretch.
So here’s a third way to stretch that QL muscle the quadratus lumborum, also known as flank steak. If you’ve ever eaten flank steak, like I said, this is your QL muscle. So what we’re going to do, you’re going to be in a seated position. You can be on an elevated little platform like I have here, a little aerobic stepper. Um, you’re going to spread your legs apart sitting up nice and tall. You’re going to turn your body. And reach together with your hands kind of claps together and you’re going to reach over to the right side first, and you’re going to feel that left side shell really stretch from the hip all the way up to the rhomboids muscles next to the spine, scapula, shoulder blade, even your neck. If you bring your neck down, you can feel that whole sling of muscle being stretched. You’re going to hold that for 30 to 45 seconds next. You’re going to turn your body rotate, and then you’re going to go like this and you’re going to stretch the opposite side. So now I’m feeling it on this side. 30 to 45. Second hold. Great stretch. You really can feel it. All the way up. So this is your third variation of the SHL stretch, kept for 30 to 45 seconds. All right, guys, number four. The fourth variation of the shell stretch, also known as your quadratus lumborum or your flank steak, your flank muscle that goes from the top part of the iliac crest. The big hip bone here and attaches right underneath that rib cage.
I’ve saved the best for last. This is by far my favorite stretch. Not always convenient because obviously you can’t always get down on the ground if you’re working, but definitely at home in a comfortable space like this, you can stretch this muscle sitting down on the ground. It is the best stretch for your QL. So here we go. You’re going to be sitting in a. The knee is going to be almost at a 30 degree angle. Your leg is extended over here. We’re going to do both sides. You’re going to clasp your hands together. You’re going to put the elbow into the leg that is extended. From here. You’re going to push this way and what you’re going to feel. Oh my gosh, this is such a great stretch. You’re going to feel this stretch right here. Because what’s happening you’re arching. So you’re opening up this muscle. But you’re also turning separating the hip from the ribs, elongating that muscle. It is the most fantastic stretch for the QL you’ll ever do. Elbow into the leg, fingers clasped together and rotate almost like you’re trying to. Bring your shoulder backwards and you’re going to hold that for a beautiful 30 to 45 seconds. You can even tilt your head a little bit this way. You’ll feel that stretch in the neck. 30 to 45 seconds, you’re going to switch. Remember, you’re putting the elbow into the leg. That’s straight, not the one that’s bent. Fingers crossed together. Oh, this one’s tighter. And you’re gonna hold for 30 to 45 seconds. And that, my friends, is the best QL stretch. Saved it for the last one. And there you go, four stretches for the QL. Any questions? Comment down below and we’ll make sure to answer those questions for you. Take care.