
Chiropractic Treatment Can Stop Arthritis

Firstly, we all know someone who is affected by arthritis or we suffer from it ourselves. What most people do not know about arthritis or osteoarthritis is that it is not genetic. Secondly, it is most commonly attributed to lifestyle decisions, repetitive stress at work or poor posture. Moreover, you know the saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.”

Chiropractic Care Alleviates Pain

For example, chiropractic may be effective at alleviating pain and preventing further degeneration. If one area of the body is not functioning well, other parts begin to work harder to make up for the lack of function. Chiropractic’s job is to ensure the other joints stay healthy and the degeneration does not worsen.

A 2010 US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health case study discussed pain. It found that a 70-year old patient had increased range of motion, improved balance and gait speed, and decreased disability. A Canadian study in 2013 found similar results. “The effects of manipulation-induced joint mobility included reduction of pain.”

Joint Degeneration

As a result, if joints degenerate in the spine it has a negative effect on the nervous system. When someone has osteoarthritis and only takes pain management medication it gets progressively worse. It starts to narrow the intervertebral foramen. The worse osteoarthritis gets the more it affects and puts pressure on the nerves. For instance, these nerves come out from the spine and control and coordinate the function of every cell, tissue, muscle, and organ in the body.

Furthermore, that’s the most important thing to understand with the spine. Arthritis in the spine, if left alone will continue to degenerate. It will end up affecting the rest of your body and its functions.

Useful Vitamins

Here are some useful vitamins that can be beneficial to help prevent arthritis:

Glucosamine: may help with osteoarthritis pain and protect cartilage from deteriorating.

Chondroitin Sulfate: can help slow down osteoarthritis progression and may lower arthritis pain and inflammation.

Ginger Root: either fresh or dried. It’s known to improve joint pain and reduce inflammation.

In conclusion, for anyone suffering from osteoarthritis, it’s clear to try chiropractic care which has been effective for patients. The Journal of the American Medical Association has recently endorsed chiropractic care and other health care treatments before the use of medication or surgery.

This is what you need to do now. Click here and get our free report called “The 10 Keys to Increase Energy and Weight Loss.” If you are ready to take action and seek the help of a chiropractor, give us a call and make your new patient appointment. I look forward to seeing you and creating immense value for you. To read up on more health and wellness tips follow our blog here.

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