Improve Your Sleep Quality
Dr. Clayton Roach: So when we lay on our back, the pelvis will extend the lower back. So for those who don’t know what extension is, it’s the back going this way. If some of you have facet osteoarthritis and lower back problems, sleeping on your back without your knees being elevated will probably not be comfortable. Here’s a solution. You’re going to get a pillow, and you’re going to place it underneath your knees by doing this. And obviously, this pillow would have to be a little bit thicker. What you’re doing is you’re getting your pelvis to go backwards. You’re taking the pressure off the lower back and opening the facet joint. So, for example, I will put this on you, Ben. At this point, with the knees going up, the pelvis will be doing this. And by doing this, we are opening up the facet joints in the back and creating space for some of the nerves for some muscles.