Prevent Ankle Sprains
Dr. Clayton Roach: Here’s your one-minute wellness tip for an ankle sprain. How do you prevent it from happening again? We want to stabilize the ankle again because it’s been traumatized. So, one of the things we’ve got to do is we’ve got to connect the ankle to the brain again and have the brain go back to the muscles and the ligaments that stabilize it so that it can contract again and keep your ankle safe.
Dr. Ben Boudreau: Therefore, one of the big exercises I give to our patients here at practice is the Star Test. You’d want to stand on the affected ankle, and you can hold on to something if you need to. And what you’re going to do is make a star. Bring your foot in front to the side behind and the other side. And this will help turn on those tiny muscles in your ankle that help to stabilize your joints. You can make this more difficult if you stand on a pillow. And this will help you balance a bit more.
Dr. Clayton Roach: Any steady surface. And how long?
Dr. Ben Boudreau: I would do this for about 20 seconds. Right. Just enough time to give you that stability. You don’t want to do it for too long to the point where you become weak.