Relieve Jaw Pain

Dr. Clayton Roach: Your one-minute wellness tip. Today we’re taking care of the jaw. The most significant muscle in the jaw is called the masseter muscle, the masseter muscle.

Dr. Ben Boudreau: The best way for an at-home stretch for the masseter muscle, since it runs from the zygomatic arch of your cheekbone to the start of your jaw, is to place a bit of pressure with your thumb in an inferior direction. So you’re just pushing down on your thumb, applying a bit of stress, and then all you’re going to do, and you should feel that right away. Even for healthy masseters, it’s a susceptible area. And you’re going to open your mouth against that resistance slowly. Yeah, you can ask Dr. Roach. He feels that right away. And so this is a great stretch. Perform that for the masseter muscle if your jaw is painful or clicking. And you know what? After you’re done, you’re going to open your mouth. Open up and close, and it feels a little bit better, right? So it gives you some range of motion. That’s your one-minute wellness tip.

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