Hip Mobility Exercises
Dr. Clayton Roach: Open up those hips. You don’t use it; you lose it. How many of you know somebody with degenerative hips that ended up having a hip replacement? Many people end up down that road. Here’s how to avoid it. Hip internal rotation. Grab a yoga block or anything you can put in between your knees right next to a wall. You’re going to put your feet up on the wall, 90 degrees. Put that yoga block or anything. You’ve chosen to take the knees, squeeze that yoga block and bring that hip into internal rotation. Here’s how you do that. You take the leg off the wall and hold it there for 5 seconds and get it back. Do the other side for 5 seconds, hold it and then bring it back. 5 seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. Bring it back and do it on both sides. At least 5 to 7 times. Do this once or twice a day, and I guarantee you you’re going to feel much more freedom across the hip, which will help your lower back as well.