Say Goodbye to Elbow Pain

Dr. Ben Boudreau: An easy stretch to do at home. Just take the hands, the back of the hand against the back of the hand on the opposite side, and then depending on which side is bothering you more, you’re just going to bring one arm to that side. So, in this case, it’s my left, and I can really feel that tension build up through that common extensor. And then, if we want to do the right, we would just slowly go to the other side about a ten-second hold or so. You don’t want to hold this for too, too, too long.

Dr. Clayton Roach: And how often would you do that, Ben?

Dr. Ben Boudreau: Normally, you would do that at the beginning, middle of the day, and at the end of your day, after that full day of stress on that common tendon. None of this would be done until you’ve done a proper physical exam. And so, when you come into the chiropractic office, we’ll go through an array of orthopedic tests, and these are just testing to see the quality of the muscles, joints and the nerves that surround that painful area. And then, from there, we can determine if we do need some images, right? X rays. There are different causes of lateral elbow pain. So we want to ensure that we have the correct diagnosis.

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